Upcoming Project: "Evidence That Demands A Verdict" review

As a result of an online debate with a wonderful fellow (whom I happen to have once had as a pastor, in fact), I will be reading Josh McDowell's best-selling book "Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Volume 1: Historical Evidences for the Christian Faith".  I will be taking liberal notes, and upon completion I will create and upload a YouTube video review of the book.  Also, just in case anyone cares, I will be purchasing this book rather than borrowing it from one of my many Christian family members (who very likely would be more than happy to provide one), mainly because I'm probably going to take notes in the sidebar.  To maintain my own personal philosophy, I will be purchasing the book at a 'Half-Price Books' or other used book store to ensure little or no royalties will go toward encouraging this sort of behavior (heh).

For his part, my counterpart will be reading "The Demon-Haunted World" by Carl Sagan, and making a similar review afterward (which I will be more than happy to link to).  We have set an estimated 60-day deadline.

If I come across anything interesting enough, I may post random updates here or on YouTube (or both).

If anyone else would like to join me in reading this book, or if you have read it and have some interesting points to make, please feel free to leave comments here :)


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  2. It's cliché, but you should have made him read The God Delusion, since it sounds like a potentially better antithesis to a book that advocates evidence in favor of a specific mesopotamic invisible sky papa.

    Perhaps for another challenge, I hope. =)

  3. Sorry for the late reply, apparently I don't have email notifications turned on :P I had considered that as an option, but I think that Sagan's book does a really good job of showing the 'urgency' of the matter, if you will. I agree that Dawkins' book would be more appropriate in this case, but I think Sagan might be more persuasive :)

    Thanks for the comment!

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