Podcast Shout-Out!

So I know we're behind on Podcast #3, but we're going to try to have to recorded in the next week or so.

In other news, I wanted to give some shout-outs to some podcasts that I have subscribed to and that I think are awesome - you should too.

The H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast - http://hppodcraft.com/
Each episode, these guys go over one of Lovecraft's stories with selections being read by professional actors.  The podcast is very well-made, the audio quality is superb, and the content is really entertaining.  I was only vaguely familiar with Lovecraft's work before finding this podcast, and I find that it actually appeals to me greatly.  Also, the music and sound effects that they use really add to the ambiance of the story.  Check out their podcast!

Living After Faith - http://livingafterfaith.blogspot.com/
Rich Lyons is a former Pentacostal preacher who discusses his experiences in leaving religion and his life now as an out Atheist.  He also appears on Ask an Atheist regularly, and his voice is a genuine pleasure to listen to.  Moreover, he discusses topics that many people struggle with, but few people actually discuss openly.

Godless Bitches - http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/godless-bitches/id457955142
The ladies of the Atheist Community of Austin have started a separate podcast where they talk about feminism, LGBT issues, women skeptics, etc.  It's an awesome podcast that I highly recommend for anyone!

The Non-Prophets Internet Radio Show - http://www.nonprophetsradio.com/
I've been listening to the Non-Prophets ever since I discovered The Atheist Experience, and each show is entertaining and educational.  Topics generally covered are the same as on the show (religion, atheism, church/state separation, etc.) but they do not take live callers, and the format is much more relaxed and explicit.

Happy Jack's RPG Podcast - http://www.happyjacks.org/
If you play tabletop RPGs, or even if you don't but enjoy the 'gamer culture', this podcast is for you.  The folks at Happy Jack's are hilarious, well-spoken, and have some great ideas and tips on gaming, GMing, and beer.  Oh, and the Happy Jack's crew also has a band called the Poxy Boggards and they feature their music in the podcast regularly.  Good stuff!

Fear the Boot - http://www.feartheboot.com/
Fear the Boot is RPG/Gaming podcast that focuses heavily on helping GMs and players, as well as interesting stories and discussions.  They also happen to put on a gaming convention in St. Charles, Missouri every year called Fear the Con.  Great podcast!

Other notable podcasts worth listening to:

Kicked in the Dicebags! - http://kickedinthedicebags.libsyn.com/
Postcards from the Dungeon - http://pftdcast.com/

Anyway, if you come across an awesome podcast, drop a comment here and let us know!

- Chris


  1. Godless Bitches!



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