The Bible Problem - Short Version
I wrote this in response to a theist making the assertion that we don't need God to prove himself to us because we have the Bible. I was so happy with it that I figured I would share it here as well, slightly edited to make contextual sense. The fundamental flaw with the Bible is when it is considered the official record of who and what God is. First, the reports within the Bible are conflicting and contradictory; Second, the authorship of virtually every word of text is questionable (at best, and it is even mentioned in the Bible itself that forgeries of some letters and books do exist), and was most certainly written by humans; Third, the Bible in it's current form was decided on by a committee called the Council of Nicaea, made up also of only humans, who literally picked and chose which documents would be considered 'canon' and which ones would not - this is particularly interesting because there are several 'scriptures' which are referenced in the Bib...